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The Morning After (Pierce Reed/ Nikki Gillette)

The Morning After (Pierce Reed/ Nikki Gillette)

ISBN: 9781420151923
Regular price $7.20 USD
Regular price Sale price $7.20 USD
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A woman is frantic as she awakens in a dark, closed space. From above her comes the muffled sound of cruel laughter, followed by the hard splatter of dirt. Pure terror takes over as she realizes she's being buried alive--and her last breath is a scream that no one but a sadistic killer will hear . . .

WILL TAKE HIS SECRETS . . . To journalist Nikki Gillette, this disturbing story is a ticket out of small-town Savannah and on to the big time. She's already given the killer a nickname--The Grave Robber--and she's spending every minute dogging tough cop Pierce Reed's investigation, trailing him through Savannah's deep thickets and crumbling cemeteries...even though she's starting to wonder about the secrets he's keeping . . .

Another body is found. And another. Each gruesome discovery unnerves Nikki a little more...there's something familiar about it, something she should know. Now, as a serial killer pulls her ever deeper into his sick game, she has no idea how close she's getting to the truth--or how deadly it will be . . .
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