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Spiritual Translocation: The Behaviour of Pathological Entities in Illness and Healing and the Relationship between Human Beings and Animals: From Polarity to Triunity

Spiritual Translocation: The Behaviour of Pathological Entities in Illness and Healing and the Relationship between Human Beings and Animals: From Polarity to Triunity

ISBN: 9781912230457
Regular price $21.07 USD
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"I wrote this book out of the needs I see at the present time. I see diseases being translocated to others--humans or animals--despite the good intentions of many therapists or doctors. The diseases are translocated because they do not exist in energetic patterns, but as expressions of spiritual beings. Energy and energy patterns exist only in the physical world, but in the spiritual world there are only spiritual beings." --Are Thoresen

From ancient times, all cultures have known of the spiritual phenomenon of 'translocation"--the movement of a pathological entity from one human being to another, or from a human being to an animal. These pathological entities are spiritual beings, commonly called "demons." Their translocation, says the author, can happen as a result of conventional Western medicine, but also through the application of "alternative" therapies such as homeopathy, acupuncture, and herbal medicine.

To have a positive therapeutic impact, Are Thoresen suggests that practitioners, doctors, and veterinarians should acquire a deep understanding of the function and laws of pathological demonic entities and the means of influencing them. Using the Middle Point, or "Christ force," it is possible to transform--rather than simply translocate--the negative spiritual aspects at work in contemporary society. As the author states, "I have written this book to try to investigate these possibilities and to give my fellow travelers in spirit the insights, tools, and ability to make such a change."

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