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Science People: A Celebration of Our Diverse People of Science (People Series)

Science People: A Celebration of Our Diverse People of Science (People Series)

ISBN: 9781951963071
Regular price $24.77 USD
Regular price Sale price $24.77 USD
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Science is for everyone!

Science People celebrates the diversity of the scientific community around the world. Meet more than 50 trailblazers in botany, biology, physics, engineering, mathematics, and a host of other STEM fields.

Bold, whimsical illustrations by David Lee Csicsko (The Skin You Live In) along with concise, engaging bios celebrate a diverse group of scientists, from around the world and all eras of history. Classic figures like Galileo and Marie Curie are included alongside scientists and activists working in the field right now - like geneticists (and Nobel Prize winners) Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier, or Phillip Alviola, a bat virologist from the Philippines on the cutting edge of coronavirus research.

From astronomers to zoologists, Science People highlights explorers in a wide range of fields - representing a multicultural mix of genders, races, and nationalities, in walks of life - showing that science is for everyone. It will inspire readers young and old to ask their own questions about the world around them.

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