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Loosed upon the World: The Saga Anthology of Climate Fiction

Loosed upon the World: The Saga Anthology of Climate Fiction

ISBN: 9781481450300
Regular price $21.92 USD
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Collected by the editor of the award-winning Lightspeed magazine, the first, definitive anthology of climate fiction--a cutting-edge genre made popular by Margaret Atwood.

Is it the end of the world as we know it? Climate Fiction, or Cli-Fi, is exploring the world we live in now--and in the very near future--as the effects of global warming become more evident. Join bestselling, award-winning writers like Margaret Atwood, Paolo Bacigalupi, Kim Stanley Robinson, Seanan McGuire, and many others at the brink of tomorrow. Loosed Upon the World is so believable, it's frightening.
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