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La casa en Mango Street / The House on Mango Street (Vintage Contemporaries) (Spanish Edition)

La casa en Mango Street / The House on Mango Street (Vintage Contemporaries) (Spanish Edition)

ISBN: 9781644734285
Regular price $16.38 USD
Regular price Sale price $16.38 USD
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Elogiado por la cr�tica, admirado por lectores de todas las edades, en escuelas y universidades de todo el pa�s y traducido a una multitud de idiomas, llega una nueva traducci�n al espa�ol de un cl�sico, de la mano de Fernanda Melchor.

La casa en Mango Street es la extraordinaria historia de Esperanza Cordero. Contada a trav�s de una serie de relatos --a veces desgarradores, a veces profundamente alegres-- es el historia de una ni�a latina que crece en un barrio de Chicago, inventando por s� misma en qu� y en qui�n se convertir�. Pocos libros de nuestra era han conmovido a tantos lectores.


Praised by critics, admired by readers of all ages, in schools and universities across the country, and translated into a multitude of languages, now comes a new Spanish translation by Fernanda Melchor of this classic.

The House on Mango Street tells the extraordinary story of Esperanza Cordero. Told through a series of vignettes -- sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes deeply joyful -- this is the tale of a Latin girl who grows up in a Chicago neighborhood, discovering for herself what and who she will become. There are only a few books in this era that have touched so many readers.
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