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Accounting in Action: Learning in the Field: Implementing Service-Learning in a University Accounting Class to Develop Passion and AICPA Core Competencies Using Holistic Approaches

Accounting in Action: Learning in the Field: Implementing Service-Learning in a University Accounting Class to Develop Passion and AICPA Core Competencies Using Holistic Approaches

ISBN: 9783639162073
Regular price $87.64 USD
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The study is an investigation of service-learning pedagogy to infuse passion into accounting education and develop the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' (AICPA) Core Competencies. A sample of twenty-eight students in an accounting class conducted research on the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program. They conducted site research; designed and created a website; developed and distributed advertising and training materials; developed and implemented financial literacy training classes for the socioeconomically marginalized people in our community; and developed and implemented recruitment sessions for VITA volunteers. Extensive qualitative data was collected from student journals, meeting minutes, Blackboard discussions, focus group interviews, and structured open-ended questionnaires; researcher field notes and journals; and community member feedback. Rich and in-depth evidence of student development of passion and AICPA Core Competencies is provided by this multidimensional and multidisciplinary service-learning experience enhanced by holistic approaches (cognitive, affective, spiritual, multiple intelligences, and inclusive education).
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