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Holy Handmaids of the Lord: Women Saints Who Won the Battle for Souls

Holy Handmaids of the Lord: Women Saints Who Won the Battle for Souls

ISBN: 9781622827213
Regular price $18.40 USD
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Christ wants you to join in His saving work.

He has called you to be a holy handmaid, a royal princess, a daughter of the Most High: a fighter alongside your King on the spiritual battlefield for souls.

To equip you for this mission, author Julie Onderko here brings you exciting tales about bold female warriors of the spirit, from heroic Old Testament women such as Judith, Deborah, and Esther (who prefigured the most courageous of all, the Virgin Mary) to more recent icons of the Faith, including Saint Clare, Saint Monica, and Saint Faustina.

From within their diverse circumstances and vocations, these storied women warriors for Christ will teach you the powerful spiritual tactics that they used in their battles against the devil - and that you can use, too! - tactics that will help you grow holy even as you engage in the profoundest endeavor of all: saving souls for Christ.

In the great drama of human history and on a continuing basis, souls are

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